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Did it!!! FINALLY caught up officially! This is the 75th day and wow, looking back it's amazing to see how much has changed and what's been fun to experiment with. I've definitely tried to keep it "light" and not make that much demands on myself. If I did, it wouldn't have happened because it would've been too much pressure. But this is the final push through July to finish which is definitely possible now that I am all caught up. And like I anticipated, just visiting a new place gives such fresh inspiration.
For the past week, it's been like Seattle here (well I hear Seattle is experiencing record-breaking draught!) but raining consistently every day for like 10 days. I think in the lastest couple pieces, that delicate, watery, light, neutral feel crept into my paintings. Haven't seen the sun really since the day after coming back from Colorado. Frustrating cause these are the longest days of the year! Last year we were having a great time at the golf course with our little guy, being outside during weeknights even felt like a treat. Ah well. I'm sure the sun and hot is around the corner . . . it's St. Louis for pete's sake!!